It is a long time ago I have posted an update to this blog. However, in the background a lot of work has been done and ongoing. This weekend (Saturday, 13:00) at the State Of The Map 2010 I'm going to give a presentation about the current state and discuss future plans for the OSMTrack. I hope you will not be disappointed :) See you in Girona!

UPDATE: Sorry, I posted the link to the slides on the OpenStreetMap Wiki, but have forgotten to update the blog. The slides can be downloaded from here.
Could you give a brief resume for those of us that didn't attend? :)
What is the status on ios4 integration with background tracking and fast app switch? It keeps me from using the app as for now.
I haven't checked this site for some time, sorry for replying late! I have written an update to the post with the link to the slides. In short: yes, I do already have full iOS 4.0, retina display, iPad, etc. support. And I have almost finished integration of the offline map (which now looks even better and works faster than I demoed at the conference). The map can be updated within the app directly from the OSM API. This reason for the delay at the moment is that a simpler map download interface a la offmaps is yet in the work.
This is amazing can't wait for the next update!
Another +1 for someone excitedly awaiting the update! Can't wait to try out the new goodies.
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